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Vertical integration of new activities


International development (Sourcing & Export)


Company acquisitions



I founded AGRO VALUE in 2013 capitalizing on the experience gained across the globe as an executive in the Food industry. AGRO VALUE is totally dedicated to shareholders and board members of medium and small caps in the Food industry. The offering has been tailored based on the needs I identified myself when I was leading a 400M€ dairy company. The Food sector is broad and diverse in essence but the problematic you are facing are most often the same. I bring the experience of a seasoned Executive engaged daily in the international field, having a deep knowledge of the Food industry and connected to a very sound network of professionals. I am recognized for my tenacity and probity.

You will find nearby a few examples of missions executed within the last 2 years. They are in general delivered part time over several months to a year and in strong association with client teams to allow a proper transfer of knowledge. Missions can also be very short and focused when clients have urgent questions to solve or want an advice on a specific issue

Operational Efficiency

"Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes"     Zig Ziglar

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